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Vixen POLARIE PF-L II Polar Finder with Light

Easy alignment via reference stars
Dimmable red light
No date or time settings required
Light switches off automatically
Free app from https://w..
in stock: in stock
CHF 329.00


  • Easy alignment via reference stars
  • Dimmable red light
  • No date or time settings required
  • Light switches off automatically
  • Free app from https://www.vixen.co.jp/app/

A wider field of view is more comfortable. Star images around the edge of the field of view have been improved and visibility has been increased.

Simply bring Polaris and two other stars into the polar scope's field of view in the northern hemisphere* so that each can be matched with the designated position on the scale on the polar scope's reticle. This allows to align the equatorial mount as accurately as 3 arc minutes or less easily. The new design of the polar scope eyepiece improves the visibility of stars and makes the scale easier to see. *Three stars for polar alignment in the southern hemisphere are located in

Vixen Portable Equatorial Mount POLARIE Polar Scope PF-L II Description

  • What is Polar Alignment Scope?

    The polar alignment scope is a small telescope that is installed parallel to the R.A. axis of an equatorial mount so that it can match the R.A. axis to be parallel in the direction of the diurnal motion of stars. The polar alignment scope utilizes 3 stars of Polaris, Delta UMi, and 51 Cep near the north celestial pole. You simply match the scale position on the reticle with the designated 3 stars seen in the polar alignment scope in order to locate the north celestial pole. Also, the patterns of the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia are engraved on the polar alignment reticle for use as a guidepost for the north celestial pole. The polar alignment scope can align the polar axis of the equatorial mount as accurately as 3 arc minutes or less.

  • The marks and patterns on the built-in reticle are all you need for polar alignment.

    Necessary information for polar alignment is integrated into the reticle that is designed for locating the north (or south) celestial pole. No hour angle setting is necessary in the dark. It makes your polar alignment more comfortable as you can do it while stay looking through the eyepiece of the polar alignment scope.

  •  Dark Field Illuminator (with a function of automatic turing off).

    The switch on the brightness adjustment dial of the polar alignment scope will illuminate the reticle in red when activated. This can avoid vanishing less-bright stars in the scope's field of view as compared with Bright Field Illuminator. The brightness can be adjusted in 8 levels by turning the brightness adjustment dial. The red light becomes gradually dimmer after a certain interval of time and turns off automatically.

  • Setting up is a snap.

    Remove both the mounting block on the front and the cap on the back of the POLARIE. Then, attach the POLARIE polar scope PF-L into the POLARIE to finish the set up. It is quick to start.



  • Magnfication・Aperture・Field of view
    5X, 20mm, 10 degrees
  • Reticle scale
    3-star alignment method, with precession correction (until 2040), North: Polaris, Delta Umi, 51 Cep, South: Sigma, Tau, and Chi Octantis
  • Dark field illuminator
    Variable red illumination with auto turn-off, brightness adjustable in 8 steps
  • Power source
    CR2032 battery x1 (Checking purpose only)
  • Setting accuracy
    3 arc minutes or less
  • Size
    60mm dia. x 115 mm
  • Weight
    213 g (w/o battery)
  • Applicable to
    PORARIE Star tracker