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Polarie Time Lapse Adapter

For a time-lapse movie with the POLARIE star tracker and AP equatorial mount
in stock: in stock
CHF 109.00


For a time-lapse movie with the POLARIE star tracker and AP equatorial mount

Mounting on the camera tripod through a camera screw, the adapter can be installed on the POLARIE star tracker to realize horizontal motion.

Vixen Portable Equatorial Mount Compact Mount POLARIE Time-Lapse Adapter Description
  • What is a time-lapse?

    The entire process from the photography of a number of series still images with a digital camera until edition to a movie on PC is called time-lapse, and the movie created is called a time-lapse movie. Reproduction of a long-time event in a short time offers a mysterious effect. Stars move at a slow speed which is hard to recognize my eyes. However, by shooting pictures of stars at regular intervals and editing it as a time-lapse movie, motion can be compressed in a short time and the movement of stars can be remarkably expressed. In addition, using in a combination of the POLARIE star tracker and a time-lapse adapter makes it possible to realize very dynamic time-lapse expression through a change of composition.


POLARIE Time-Lapse Adapter

  • Dimensions
    Dia. 59 x 27.5mm
  • POLARIE fitting section
    M41mm, P=1mm
  • Camera screw
    UNC 1/4 inch, 3/8 inch
  • Weight

For availability of products, please contact our local dealers. The specifications are subject to change without notice.

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