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Vixen Camera Adapter for Eyepiece Projection

Camera adapter for lunar and planetary photography with SLR
camera, C-mount or CCD camera
in stock: in stock
CHF 159.00


Camera Adapter for Telescope Eye Projection Photography

Attachable to flip mirror or R200SS focuser. ※Not usable with LVW series eyepieces and 50.8mm eyepieces. T-Ring to be used with together. Old type R200SS focuser may not be able to attach directly. Please see the adaptation table to check if your astronomical telescope can attach the adapter or not.

Vixen 39361 Camera Adapter for Eyepiece Projection The adapter to connect a SLR camera, c-mount or CCD camera to an astronomical telescope. Can be attached to flip mirror or the eyepiece on R200SS optical tube. For 31,7mm-Vixen-Eyepieces; PL-, NPL-, SLV-, NLV-Series (not for LVW-Series and Ø 50.8mm eyepieces)


Eyepiece Projection Camera Adapter

  • Size
    Length105×Outer Diameter 60mm
  • Weight
