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Baader Solar Continuum Filter 1¼" (540nm)

A must for owners of achromatic refractors. This filter cuts the spectral range transmitting a specific spectral range around 540nm, completely cutt..
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  • A must for owners of achromatic refractors. This filter cuts the spectral range transmitting a specific spectral range around 540nm, completely cutting out blue and red wavelengths in an area of the lens system that where the optics are at their sharpest.
  • Enhances contrast and reduces the effect of atmospheric turbulence.
  • This filter must be used in conjunction with a Baader Herschel Wedge or Baader AstroSolar Safety Film for solar observations otherwise eye or equipment damage may occur.
  • Planeoptically polished, non-ageing sealed coating edges.

Double Stacked Solar Continuum Filter - For Visual and Photographic Observations of the Sun

Ensures highest contrast in the photosphere of the sun. The filter works as a monochrometer - suppressing the effects of the atmospheric turbulence and results in images that are significantly sharper. Owners of SCTs and refractors will benefit as red and blue wavelengths are completely excluded, with the transmission area peaking at 535nm where telescope optics are sharpest and free from chromatic aberrations.


The Solar Continuum Filter may be used for purely VISUAL observation ONLY in conjunction with the Baader Herschel Prism or with the Baader AstroSolar Safety Film (ND 5.0).

The combination of AstroSolar Photo Film (ND 3.8) and Solar Continuum filter is used exclusively for photography of the sun at high magnifications. This combination is highly apt to capture the finest solar surface detail and granulation at extremely high magnification while enabling ultra-short exposure (measured in milliseconds) in order to freeze atmospheric turbulence.

Customer Examples:

Three sample images, taken by Olivier Grattepanche. Mr Grattenpanche writes:

Instrument: "TSC 225 Schmidt-Cassegrain from TAKAHASHI, NJP160 mount, F/40 with 2X Big Barlow Tele-vue, NGFs focuser, and of course your incredible Baader Astrosolar filter D:3.8, IR cut filter and Continuum filter"
partielle Sonnenfinsternis
VestaPro with 1/3" black and white sensor ...
... 800 frames stacked with IRIS ...
... Colors were added afterwards for aesthetical purpose